Thank you for visiting us, here at the Stewardship Department!!! We hope we can be of service to you in the Lord, and avail you as much information as we can, regarding our work in this department. Please feel free to browse this page. Should you not find what you were looking for, do not hesitate to contact us.

Learn more on What Adventists Believe about Stewardship
What should I do with God's Money? watch here

Join Lusaka Conference Stewardship Director as he expounds on Biblical Perspectives of Stewardship. Follow the links below:
1. Stewardship and Discipleship
2. Biblical Approach to versus Traditional Approach
3. The Five Difficult Questions about Life
4. Biblical Stewardship and Christian Leadership
5. Combined Offering Plan
6. Accountability and the Bible
7. Three Areas of a Healthy Church
8. I Will Go Mission System

You can use the links below to navigate up and down this page.

Page Navigation Links

Click here to go to our Vision 

Click here to go to Our Mission

Click here to go to Our Values

Click here to go to Our Functions

Click here to go to Our Goals

Click here to go to Our Downloads

Our Vision

  1. A growing and consistent vision of Biblical Stewardship
  2. Growing individual and cooperate faithfulness.
  3. That SID becomes a donor division by 2008.

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Our Mission

The mission of the Stewardship Department is to emphasise the Lordship of Jesus Christ, to enhance the integration of the gospel into the Christian life style, to encourage faithful stewardship, and to facilitate the individual, cooperate, and leadership dimensions stewardship as partnership with God.

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Our Values


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Our Functions

The department facilitates the following functions:

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Our Goals

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Our Downloads
Feel free to download resource materials:

June Stewardship Month of Emphasis material - download

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God bless !!!