Thank you for visiting the treasury department of the Lusaka Conference.
The Treasury Department oversees the financial operations of the Conference by providing financial structure to its various ministries, enabling them to fulfill the mission of the church. It also provides support to local churches through training, accounting technical support, the annual audit, and other financial related areas. 
The department works hand-in-hand with the Administration and the Stewardship Department.

The Chief Financial officer is head of treasury department. The President, Executive Secretary and Chief Financial Officer are the executive officers of Lusaka Conference. The Chief Financial Officer provides financial leadership to the Conference which includes, but not limited to, receiving, safeguarding and disbursing all funds in harmony with actions of the Lusaka Conference Executive Committee and the SZBU/SID Working Policy.

Elder Chile Habuyani Kabunda is the Lusaka Conference Chief Financial Officer. He supervises the operations of Accounts department and that of auditors.

Purpose, Mission, and Objectives of the Treasury Department of the Lusaka Conference:

The Treasury Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church exists to ensure the faithful stewardship of the financial resources entrusted to the Church. We aim to support the Church’s mission of spreading the gospel and providing community services through meticulous financial planning, transparent accounting, and strategic resource management.

Our mission is to enhance the financial integrity and sustainability of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. By upholding the highest standards of financial practices and ethical conduct, we seek to empower the Church’s ministries and initiatives worldwide. We are dedicated to serving with accountability, innovation, and a commitment to the principles of Christian stewardship.

1. Financial Stewardship and Accountability
   - Ensure all financial transactions are conducted with transparency and integrity.
   - Implement rigorous internal controls and audit processes to safeguard Church assets.
   - Provide clear and accurate financial reporting to stakeholders.

2. Resource Management
   - Optimize the allocation and use of financial resources to support the Church’s mission and strategic priorities.
   - Develop and maintain effective budgeting processes to ensure financial stability and growth.

3. Support for Ministries
   - Offer financial guidance and support to local churches, conferences, and other Church entities.
   - Facilitate financial training and education programs to enhance the capacity of Church leaders in financial management.

4. Compliance and Best Practices
   - Adhere to all relevant financial regulations and standards.
   - Promote best practices in financial management within the Church community.

5. Innovation and Continuous Improvement
   - Embrace new technologies and methodologies to improve financial operations and reporting.
   - Continuously assess and refine financial strategies to meet the evolving needs of the Church.

6. Community Engagement
   - Foster a culture of generosity and financial responsibility among Church members.
   - Engage with the global Church community to build trust and ensure alignment with our financial mission.

By fulfilling these objectives, the Treasury Department aims to support the Conference in achieving its vision and mission, ensuring that every financial decision reflects our commitment to God's work and our community's well-being.

Meet the Accounts Department Staff:

Senior/Chief Accountant - Elder Hepson Mulendele
Senior Auditor - Elder Denny Mangisha
Accountants - Sr. Jacqueline Shimunzhila; Elder Lubasi Liabwa; Elder Zachriah Mutakwa; Sr. Sharon Samboko
Auditor - Sr. Ivy Mphande Chikula