Thank you for visiting our communication department and welcome to a ministry that has amazing potential for sharing the message of Jesus and the Seventhday Adventist Church. The roles of communication department include sharing news and information with three primary groups of people: members of your church, your conference communication department, and your local community. 

Our Philosophy:
There are many forms of communicative media available to the Church today, and the Communication Department is committed to using all of these means in sharing with the world the good news of salvation. Because communication of the gospel is the responsibility of the entire Church, the Communication Department is involved in all the programs of the Church, seeking to serve both administrators and departments with the skills it possesses to further these programs. The Communication Department assists administrators and other Church leaders in communicating information to both internal and external publics. In addition, the department interprets to administration the attitudes of these publics toward the Church. The department also provides crisis communication expertise and response systems.

Our Mission:
The mission of the Communication Department is to present a favorable image of the Church, its mission, and its life and activities, as well as to assist the Church in being an effective witness of the loving and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision:
People are informed and connected 

Our Theme:
I Will Go: Building Bridges of Hope

Functions and Service:
  1. To provide News and Information
  2. To create awareness of the Church's prgrams and activities
  3. To effectively use media and contemporary communication systems and technology
  4. To build a sound relationship with public, private and church media
  1. To keep church member, the conference and community informed 
  2. To engage the public through sound public relations
  3. To conduct media trainings and workshops for local church communicators
  4. To produce Conference Magazine and submit to higher organizations stories and articles for production in their journals/newsletters and magazines
  5. To provide media coverage to all Conference events
  6. To produce Presidential reports, Executive Committee Mid-year and and Year end reports
  7. To keep and updated website and run in an effective way social media platforms 
Communication Strategies:
  • Keep in touch with local church communication leadership
  • Establish and work with a media team (LC Media)
  • Create media content for church media (Hope Channel Zambia, SID Media, ect.)
  • Engage Public and Private media for air space
  • Impement the Communication Policy of Northern and Southern Zambia Union