Welcome to our Church Magazines page! Here, you will find a rich collection of publications designed to inspire, educate, and connect our community. Our magazines feature a diverse range of content, including insightful articles, personal stories, and updates on church activities and events. Whether you're looking for spiritual guidance, community news, or uplifting stories of faith, our church magazines offer something for everyone. Explore our latest issues and stay connected with the heart of our Adventism both local and abroad.

A new Lusaka Conference publication.
A print edition of this publication can be viewed or downloaded.
Follow the link to view or download: anchor.lusaka.adventist.org
Southern Star is a Southern Zambia Union Conference magazine covering stories and events from every corner of the Union.
Follow the link to view or download: southernstar.szu.adventist.org
The Adventist Echo is an online Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division magazine
Enjoy stories from across the SID on the following link: echo.sid.adventist.org/
An International magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist capturing stories and event around the world.
Follow the link to view or download: adventistworld.org

Other Church Publications and Journals below:

Arise Zambia:
A Lusaka Conference Adventist Youth Publication, view or download here AriseZambia

Ministry Magazine: An International Journal for Pastors, view here ministrymagazine

Together Stronger Magazine:
An International Pastoral Spouse Journal for Pastor's spouses, view here Ministerial Spouse Magazine