By Stanley Chilembo | May 12th, 2024 | Lusaka
In a powerful display of unity and shared purpose, the Southern Africa-Indian Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church's "Impact Zambia 2024: Jesus Saves" Evangelistic Campaign was officially launched at the Government Complex in Lusaka on Sabbath May 11th, 2024. The esteemed dignitary presiding over this auspicious occasion was none other than the Right Honorable Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Zambia, Hon. Madam Nelly Mutti, SC.
The event, held during the Lusaka Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists Big Sabbath, drew together a distinguished array of attendees, including prominent leaders from within the church and beyond. Notable figures in attendance included Dr. Harrington Simui Akombwa, President of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, Dr. Passmore Hachalinga, the Ellen G. White Estates Director for Helderberg University in South Africa, Dr. Vanny Munyumbwe, President of the Southern Zambia Union Conference, who led a delegation of officers and directors in Southern Zambia Union, Dr. Tony Nyirenda, President of Malawi Union Conference who also led the delegation of speakers of the Impact Zambia 2024 Evangelistic Campaigns, and Lusaka Conference President Pastor Keith Chuumpu who led a delegation of officers, directors, pastors and local church leaders and members.

In her address, Hon. Madam Nelly Mutti eloquently underscored the Seventh-day Adventist Church's unwavering commitment to providing moral and spiritual support to both the government and the people of Zambia. She commended the church's proactive efforts, particularly through Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and various community service arms such as the Dorcas Society, Adventist Men Organization (AMO), and Adventist Youths, in alleviating the hardships caused by the devastating drought that has destroyed over 1.3 million metric tones of maize in the nation.
Acknowledging the pivotal role played by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the spheres of healthcare and education, Hon. Madam Nelly Mutti lauded the establishment of institutions such as Mwami Hospital in Eastern Province, Yuka Hospital in Western Province, and a constellation of healthcare facilities within Lusaka Province. Additionally, she highlighted the esteemed contributions of Rusangu University, which has earned widespread acclaim for its educational excellence.

The Right honorable Speaker expressed her deep appreciation for the dissemination of the church's publications across the nation, which serve as invaluable resources for promoting health, character development, and social cohesion.
In a poignant appeal to all citizens, the Speaker urged individuals to seize the opportunity presented by the "Impact Zambia 2024: Jesus Saves" evangelistic campaigns. She emphasized that amidst the prevailing moral challenges confronting Zambia and the global community, particularly among the youth, there exists a pressing need for spiritual renewal and moral upliftment.

The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division has organized over 900 Evangelistic Campaigns in Zambia under the theme "Impact Zambia: Jesus Saves," to run from 12th to 25th May, 2024. As the echoes of her impassioned plea reverberated throughout the Government Complex, it became abundantly clear that the launch of "Impact Zambia 2024" heralds not only a profound spiritual awakening but also a collective commitment to fostering positive change and moral renewal within the nation.