The history of the Lusaka Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists is not a stand alone history as it belongs to the World-wide family of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. To learn more about the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church click here.

The Lusaka Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists was officially organized in December 2012, following the realignment of the now-defunct Central Zambia Conference. This significant reorganization aimed to better serve the growing Adventist community in the region. The first officers and directors to lead the newly formed conference served from January 2013 to December 2015, spearheaded by the late Dr. Edwin Shimunzhila as President, with Pastor Goliath Naini as Executive Secretary and Elder Isaac Kaputo as Chief Financial Officer. Other key leaders included Pastor Silas Chabala as Ministerial Secretary, Pastor Faxon Shangala as Stewardship Director, and Pastor Hamilton Mulendema as Personal Ministries Director while Pastor Morgan Chibala, Pastor Highten Hamweene and Mrs. Charity Ngondo served as Publishing, Youth and Women Ministries Directors respectively. The initial team laid a solid foundation for the conference’s mission of evangelism,  community service and church growth with a mantra "Growing God's Church."

In December 2015, during the second session held at Government Complex, new officers were elected to guide the conference from January 2016 to December 2018. The leadership remained under the presidency of the late Dr. Edwin Shimunzhila, Pastor Goliath Naini as Executive Secretary, Elder Joweit Mudenda as Chief Financial Officer. Departmental Directors included Mrs. Charity Ngondo as Women Ministries Director, Pastor Johnnie Namwako as Personal Ministries Director, Pastor Abinary Mukwakwa as Publishing Director, Pastor Clement Imolo as Stewardship Director, Pastor Robson Chiyangaya as Ministerial Secretary while Pastor Highten Hamweene as Youth Directors. This team continued to build on the established framework, focusing on outreach and spiritual growth within the community. Notably, Pastor George Mwansa was introduced as Communications Director, reflecting an increasing emphasis on effective communication and media engagement.

A pivotal moment in the history of the Lusaka Conference came in 2018 when the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division voted to realign the conference into two separate entities: Woodlands and Lusaka Conferences. This change took effect on January 14, 2019, with new appointments made for the Lusaka Conference for the term from January 2019 to December 2021. The late Dr. Edwin Shimunzhila continued as President until his retirement in July 2020, when Pastor Goliath Naini who was serving as Executive Secretary succeeded him. Elder Denny Mangisha, Chief Financial Officer doubled with office of Executive Secretary until Pastor Francis Chibiya who was Stewardship Director was appointed Executive Secretary during the 2020 Year End Executive Committee. Pastor Mwendabai Mwendabai served as Youth Director while Pastor Stanley Chilembo and Mrs. Florence Kaunda as Publishing and Women Ministries Directors respectively. During 2019 Year End EXCOM, Pastor Keith Chuumpu had been appointed to serve as Ministerial Secretary, he was further appointed as Stewardship Director during 2020 Year End EXCOM after Pastor Chibiya had been moved to Secretariat office. This leadership team focused on strategic growth and community involvement under the mantra "Go to Grow."

The 2021 session at Golden Peacock elected a fresh set of officers for the term from January 2022 to December 2024, these included Pastor Keith Chuumpu as President, Pastor Francis Chibiya as Executive Secretary and Elder Chile Kabunda as Chief Financial Officer. The Departmental Directors included Pastor Fines Hamatanga as Stewardship Director, Pastor Stanley Chilembo as Publishing Director, Pastor Maybin Shanyinde as Personal Ministries Director, Pastor Billy Mukombo as Youth Director and Mrs. Florence Kaunda as Women Ministries Director. During the 2022 Mid Year EXCOM, Pastor Goliath Naini was appointed to serve as Ministerial Secretary and Dr. Mercy Imakando came in as Health Ministries Director at the 2023 Year End EXCOM.

The Lusaka Conference remains steadfast in its mission to prepare its members and the broader community for the soon return of Jesus Christ, emphasizing unity, service, unwavering faith and total involvement with a mantra "Every Member a Builder."

By Pastor Highten Hamweene (Pastor Hamweene served as Lusaka Conference Communication Director from 2013 to 2015)

What seemed to have taken time to materialize finally came to pass. On December 4, 2012 the then Central Zambia Conference (CZC) successfully convened for their 8th Session. Delegates from all over the CZC territory began their arrivals at the New Government Complex in the Kamwala area of Lusaka on 3rd December. The schedule of programs was more than clear. Arrive on the 3rd; commence business on the 4th; finish business on the 5th; and depart on the 6th. All Sessions are important. However, the 8th Session of the old Central Zambia Conference will forever be remembered as a unique one.

Perhaps the significance or importance of any meeting can be judged by the quality of individuals who grace it. The President of the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division (SID) Dr. Paul Ratsara, and his Vice, Dr. Machamire were in attendance. The President of Zambia Union Conference (ZBUC) Dr. Harrington Simui Akombwa was also present. Accompanying him were Pastor Bednical Ndatoya and Elder George Siamuzoka, the ZBUC Executive Secretary and Chief Financial Officer, respectively. Other dignitaries included Dr. Raelly (the former Zambia Union Mission and East African Division President); the former President of CZC, pastor Mufayabo Mtshiya, who served CZC for four consecutive terms;  and the retired clergyman Pastor Nachibinga.

Having laid the spiritual foundation necessary for transacting the Lords business, Dr. Ratsara devotionally exhorted the Session delegates to do only that which would “edify”. Dr. Machamire then proceeded to enunciate the conditions that were set for the realignment of CZC. He stated that all such conditions had been met; and that the SID was convinced that such a move was practicable. Once the motion to dissolve CZC was passed, something strange took place. The proposal to realign CZC bore the need for the creation of two brand new entities i.e. (New) Central Zambia Conference, and Lusaka Conference. In the words of Dr. Akombwa, what followed  was “altogether new and unheard of in Zambia”. He recounted the days when Zambia Union Mission was just a small entity, and how it grew to the heights being witnessed by the delegates in session.

Finally, Lusaka Conference was born. The following officers and directors were elected to serve for a three year term:

  • Dr. Edwin Shimunzhila – President
  • Pr. Goliath Maunga Naini – Executive Secretary
  • Elder Isaac Chungu Kaputo – CFO
  • Pr. Silas Chabala – Ministerial Director
  • Pr. Faxon Shangala – Stewardship Director
  • Pr. Highten Hamweene – Youth Director
  • Pr. Morgan Chibala – Publishing Director
  • Sr. Charity Ngondo – Women’s Ministries Director

Lusaka Conference is today a viable entity destined for growth and expansion. Its offices are located at the junction of Burma Road and Independence Avenue at the former ZBUC Offices.

For a more detailed history of Lusaka Conference visit our Online SDA Encyclopedia below: